Friday, June 27, 2014

Google Glass is Upgraded. Beta Glass is Available in the UK

Google is working hard to develop significant devices and software for the market for wearable devices. The Google Glass is the most famous high-end eye-wear that is yet to be announced by the company. As part of the Glass Explorer program, the wearable tech is getting more and more improved with each next update. 

The latest upgrade of the hardware of the Glass was introduced by Google just before the major event in the digit world – Google’s developers’ conference I/O 2014. The improvements in the Google Glass include a double boost of the RAM. The eye-wear now ships with 2GB RAM instead of 1GB in the earlier prototypes. The new version of the gadget enables more efficient way for taking photos. All the users need to do is to say “OK Glass, show the viewfinder” and like a magic the 4 white Ls will appear in the corners of the Glass to frame the photo you are shooting. 

As expected the eye-wear is enriched with more cards for Google Now – for example cards to remind you for the location where you have parked your vehicle.

In addition Google is rolling-out 12 dedicated apps for the Glass. Users will enjoy the abundance of applications from games, like Zombies Run! to training software etc. Hit the links in the source for more information about the app.

Few days before the upgrade was presented by Google, the news that the Glass is coming to the UK drew attention. Great Britain is the first country in the world beside the States that welcomes the Glass. Brits that want to buy the beta version of the eye-wear will pay £1000 for the wearable device. It is great to know that Google is enlarging the availability of the Glass even before it is officially announced, isn’t it?

few words at the end: improved performance, richer app library and expanding availability… are you impatient for the launching of the Glass, yet?
Source: +GoogleGlass (1), (2)

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